Management Role in Organizations

Paper Info
Page count 2
Word count 736
Read time 3 min
Subject Business
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

The management plays an important role in the implementation of decisions that are made by the organization. During decision making sessions every member is requested to give his/her voice concerning the issue at hand. Later, the decisions are allocated priorities and the one that is ranked highest is considered first. The management has to cross check the issues that may hinder the implementation of the decision. Identifying the barriers will help the management to prepare adequately to face the challenges.

The implementation of decisions comes with changes such as buying new equipment and training the employees. All these tasks rest on the shoulders of the management and they require the management to allocate some money towards the accomplishment of tasks. Although the changes are introduced gradually, the management has to schedule the changes to avoid conflict.

In an organization where decisions are made without involving all the employees, the management has to communicate with the employees about the decision at hand. The management has to convince the employees to embrace the proposed changes, and this is done by explaining the benefits that come along with the changes.

Additionally, the management has to monitor the implementation process by being present to see if everyone adheres to the changes. Besides, when the information about the decision is passed across it is the role of the management to obtain the response of the employees. The response is used to make improvements on the decision so that everyone is comfortable with the decision.

There are several factors that influence decision implementation. The first one is the distortions to the information that is communicated to employees. It is common for people to fabricate information with the aim of inciting others to reject the decision. This happens when the decision is likely to affect the person who is entrusted to convey the information.

The management can only deal with this problem by interacting with the employees from all levels through round table meetings and asking them to express their concerns about the decision. During such meetings misinformation can be corrected. The other problem is the employees’ unwillingness to embrace change. This problem can be solved by showing commitment to the implementation process by being on the frontline meaning that the management must not practice double standards.

Employees tend to be receptive towards changes because they simply do not know what is in store for them. Thus, the management must address the worries of the employees before implementing the decision. This is because when employees are certain about their own interests they will embrace the changes with a lot of confidence.

The management has to actively participate in the implementation of the decision. This means that the management must work hard like everyone else because they are the source of motivation to the other employees. Spending most of the time with other employees builds a strong bondage between the two parties which makes them trust each other. Besides, being familiar with each other enhances communication, which is an essential element towards the successful implementation of a decision.

Likewise, the management must explain to the employees why the decision was made and give an insight to the circumstances that forced the management to make the changes. This should be complimented by explanations of the consequences that could befall the entire organization if the decision is not implemented. It is also important to define the roles of each employee towards the implementation process to avoid confusion.

Every manager should monitor how the employees in his/her unit cope with the changes. The manager should identify those who face difficulties in coping with the changes may be due to their level of knowledge and any other cause and provide the necessary assistance until he/she is sure they are used to the changes. Furthermore, the manager can encourage employees through rewards that improve performance.

When decisions are to be made in global organizations, the management should consider the cultures of the employees who work in different geographic locations. This is because their cultures could be against the decision made by the organization. The management must therefore carry out a background check to see if the decision to be made will cause a crisis in its global branches. This means that the decision made for the organization should be customized to avoid any conflicts. The customizations should be based on the cultures of the various geographic decisions.

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EduRaven. (2022, May 31). Management Role in Organizations.

Work Cited

"Management Role in Organizations." EduRaven, 31 May 2022,


EduRaven. (2022) 'Management Role in Organizations'. 31 May.


EduRaven. 2022. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.

1. EduRaven. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.


EduRaven. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.


EduRaven. 2022. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.

1. EduRaven. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.


EduRaven. "Management Role in Organizations." May 31, 2022.