Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students

Paper Info
Page count 2
Word count 487
Read time 3 min
Subject Education
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US


Adolescence is a difficult period in life with several developmental issues and researchers have identified two crucial areas of issues including work and relationships (Havinghurst, 1952). Erikson (1968) asserts the importance of intimacy and commitment to goals during the transition from childhood to young adulthood and the related issues of becoming independently functioning adolescents. It is therefore essential for teachers to be aware of these issues so that they know how to behave and use interventions and strategies in classroom to improve the educational accomplishments of teenage students in classrooms for which it is necessary for teachers to be aware of the issues and processes involved in adolescent development (Tierno, 1991).

This paper aims to analyze the various strategies, which teachers can employ in classrooms to improve the academic achievements of adolescent students.

Main body

The role and importance of motivation has often been stressed in the field of education and achievement (Wlodkowski, 1990). Educators agree that student motivation has a crucial impact on learning, especially on young adolescent students. This can be achieved through positive feedback to the students through comments of appreciation like “neat work” or “excellent imagination”. Praise serves the important purpose of motivating the students and encourages them so that they feel good about a certain task well done and aspire to do it better and more efficiently in future as well. This verbal praise can also serve as a motivation to the other students in class who would then realize that good quality work attracts positive attention form the teachers.

The classroom environment must be a pleasant one as in such classrooms there are greater possibilities of student achievement (Hunter, 1982). Teachers must not threaten students or use tones which do not send good feelings to the students. The classroom atmosphere must be stress free and conducive to learning rather than one that is tense and teacher centered. Teachers must encourage social interaction in the class and practical experience so that students achieve a sense of control in their learning abilities and become active in the process of learning than being merely passive recipients of education.

Teachers must aspire to be powerful role models to the children rather than being authoritative. Teachers must endeavor to avoid direct confrontations with students, thereby indicating respect for students and when faced with disruptive behaviors and activities, they must react confidently and in non-humiliating behaviors (Havighurst, 1983). Teachers of adolescent students should be compassionate and flexible and use socially focused motivations to respond constructively (Sales 1979).


Research indicates that the use of motivational fun strategies and must use cooperative learning in the process of educating adolescents it is essential for teachers to design strategies that which will alleviate stress and must emphasize the importance of exercise and good nutrition to the students since good nutrition plays a crucial role in motivation (Weaver, 1991). Pleasant classroom environment increase the potential of students achievement (Hunter, 1982).


Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity youth and crisis. New York: W. W. Norton.

Havighurst, R. J. (1952). Developmental tasks and education. New York: David McKay.

Hunter, M., (1982). Increasing their Motivation. Mastery Teaching, Pg 11-19.

Sales L., (1979). Responding to the socially motivated behaviors of early adolescents: Recommendations for classroom management. Adolescence, 26 (103), 571-572.

Tierno, M. J. (1991). Responding to the socially motivated behaviors of early adolescents: Recommendations for classroom management. Adolescence, 26, 570-577.

Weaver, R. L., (1991). Self Motivation: Ten techniques for activating or freeing the spirit. Vital Speeches. 57 (20), 620-624.

Wlodkowski, R. J., (1990). The mythology of motivation and learning. Motivation and Teaching, (p.p.12-18).

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EduRaven. (2021, October 19). Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students.

Work Cited

"Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." EduRaven, 19 Oct. 2021,


EduRaven. (2021) 'Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students'. 19 October.


EduRaven. 2021. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.

1. EduRaven. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.


EduRaven. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.


EduRaven. 2021. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.

1. EduRaven. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.


EduRaven. "Strategies for Teachers to Improve Achievement Among Adolescent Students." October 19, 2021.