Do you want to cheat on your junior research paper?
We strongly advise you not to do this, since any kind of cheating on junior research papers gives grounds for a serious disciplinary punishment and will influence your academic record.
That is why you would better not pass over your junior research paper lightly.
Below you will find a list of requirements for a junior research paper:
- Your junior research papers should be of 6 to 8 typed pages size;
- The font required for a junior research paper is standard – 12 point;
- The title page of a junior research paper should include your last name, the title and page numbers;
- The margins of a junior research paper must be set at one inch from all sides;
- The junior research papers should include a bibliography of all sources, taking into account the MLA format requirements;
- The source material should be cited, because it is used throughout the paper in parenthetical citations (in the MLA style as well);
- The basic outline must also be submitted before drafting a paper;
- Your junior research paper must be written in clear and correct English. The paper must be free of grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes;
- Proofreading and editing your junior research paper before handing it in are obligatory. While proofreading, pay meticulous attention to the details of the language used.
You will certainly be ready to write a good junior research paper if you know what skills you should develop:
- Research skills: to find relevant information, identify the validity of supportive details;
- Critical thinking: to compare and contrast different opinions, synthesize material, recognize the difference between opinions and facts, and be able to make an objective analysis;
- Writing skills: to choose and organize material, support the argument, and cite the sources according to the MLA format requirements.
Remember that your Professor will reject any excuse of yours if you do not hand in your paper in time. Make copies of your paper to avoid unpleasant confrontations with your Professor.