Paraphrasing and Summarizing Tool without Plagiarizing

Take these 3 steps to use this paraphrasing and summarizing tool:

  1. Copy the paragraphs you need to synthesize by this tool.
  2. Paste the text into a form below.
  3. Click on the button to summarize without plagiarizing.
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Have you ever been asked to summarize your paper? It sounds easy, but it can be more challenging than you think. Identifying the essential ideas, arguments, and supporting evidence can take you hours or even days. It depends on the length and the complexity of your paper, but still.

Then, what about summarizing the papers other people wrote? It is even harder.

We created an online summarizer that can help you with that. It is a great way to cut down and analyze texts. Such a tool can save you a lot of time. At the same time, it will assist you in identifying the most important ideas and facts of your documents.

All within seconds!

Our text summarizer tool will scan the document and suggest key sentences and ideas. You can analyze even the lengthy documents in one click.

We all learn to read at an early age, but reading is a skill that needs to be trained as well. Can you look at the paper and immediately understand what the main points of it are? Usually, such actions require time and a lot of effort. You can still do that. Then, the text summarizer tool can be a way to check if you are on the right track or not.

It’s like the second pair of eyes.

Summarizing & Paraphrasing Tool: the Benefits

⏳️ Fast Synthesize any text in two clicks.
🙌 Very easy Try the user-friendly interface.
❌️ No plagiarism Summarize without plagiarizing.
💰 Free Don’t waste your money on paid tools.

How Does the Summarizing Tool Work?

Nevertheless, continuously throughout your academic life, you will encounter this task. You will have to read, analyze, and summarize a lot of different texts, articles, and literary works.

Are there any benefits to a good summary?

Well, if you have an abstract or a summary, it will take you seconds to figure out what the author is trying to say. Imagine you have skimmed dozens of works on the same topic. Now you just wish it to be over, so you are looking for a particular one that fits your argument best. With a summary, you can quickly remember all the secondary sources you went through.

”A master’s thesis and dissertation require a brief summary.

Sometimes you can find one at the beginning of a paper or an article. When you do, it is convenient. However, more often, you will not, so you need to learn how to summarize. So, how can you do so?

You have two options:

  1. To write a summary yourself.
  2. To use an online summarizer tool.

We recommend the second one. Why? It is faster, easier, and more efficient.

Automatic summarizers usually work in two different ways: extractive and abstractive. In an extractive method, the summarizer extracts the keyword and presents the information as it is. In this method, words and phrases remain the same. The summarizer shortens the sentences without paraphrasing them.

Another way in which summarizers work is abstractive. The algorithm uses semantic models that are already present in the document and transforms the wording. In this way, you get a text in a new form.

As you already saw, every automatic summarizer works differently. That’s why picking the best summarizing tool can be a challenge. However, there are still some similarities between all of them. They all aim to simplify your life and save your time.

”An automatically generated summary needs polishing.

This particular summarizing tool has the following mechanics:

  • First, it scans the whole document. Then, it identifies the keywords in the text and determines each word’s relevance.
  • Then it extracts sentences from the text and identifies the main ideas from it. This is the most critical and challenging phase. The tool separates the longest sentences into pieces that are further used in summary.
  • Then it structures the sentences and returns the text in a readable form. All you have to do is read a summary with everything explained simply.

How to Summarize without Plagiarizing?

It is a legitimate question. When writing a paper, every student is concerned about how to avoid plagiarism. Let’s be real: academic honesty is paramount. It shows your integrity as a student and a strong desire to stay truthful to the sources you use.

Did you know that plagiarism allegations can cause a student to be suspended or expelled? It can even result in further legal actions: fines and penalties. So, you should learn how you can avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism in an educational institution can lead to horrible consequences.

Another thing to keep in mind:

Plagiarism can be intentional and unintentional. Sometimes you do it by accident. Another type of plagiarism is self-plagiarism. When you use a paper that you previously wrote and simply copy the text. This is an academic honesty offense as well.

You can still implement the ideas and materials of others into your paper. Yes, without compromising your honesty. Here are four ways in which you can do that:


Summarization is a process of shortening the text. Its final goal is to present ideas from the document more systematically and schematically. A good summary can help you understand a book, an article, or an essay. How? It extracts the essential ideas and presents them in a simple form. When summarizing, use your own words and paragraphs to avoid plagiarism.

To adequately summarize a document, you should:

  1. Read the whole text.

    This part will probably be the most time-consuming. However, it is necessary for a good summary. You have to understand the overall idea of a text to explain it in short sentences.

  2. Scan it.

    In other words, re-read it with an objective. Look for some keywords, fundamental ideas, and vital information. Sometimes the headlines in the document itself can help you. Another great idea is to look at a preface and the conclusion. Sometimes that is the fastest way to get the main idea and the main arguments.

  3. Write.

    After carefully scanning the whole text, go ahead! Write down your thoughts about it. Try to keep your sentences short and take into account a limited amount of space.

  4. Write more.

    Now summarize each section of the text in a single sentence.

  5. Combine.

    Look at everything you’ve written and try to put these ideas together.

  6. Revise.

    Read the whole text out loud and revise for logic and smoothness of speech.

  7. Document.

    Do not forget to include all the sources you’ve used.

...Or you can skip all the seven steps by using our summarizer tool! Simply copy and paste your text in the box, and it will generate a summary for you.

Use a summarizing tool when you need more time for other tasks.


Paraphrasing is a restatement of the meaning of a text using other words. Let’s say you have a paragraph from an article you want to mention in your essay. As a piece of evidence, for example. You can’t quote it as it’s too long, so you have to summarize it and rephrase it. This way, you’ll both provide proof from a source and avoid plagiarism.

This is how you can do it:

  1. Choose a passage or a sentence you think will fit well into your paper. Make sure you read it really carefully and understand it fully.
  2. Put the paragraph aside and try to say the same thing using different words. Make sure to replace every keyword with a synonym.
  3. Change the grammar as much as you can without altering the meaning.
  4. While doing all of these, make sure you didn't miss the essential details. So, go back to the original text once again and confirm.
  5. Repeat the process once again. You can paraphrase a paraphrased text to ensure that it looks original enough.

There is plenty of paraphrasing and summarizing tools on the Internet. They can be useful for your next academic writing when you don’t feel like working.

Paraphrasing can the same length as the original text.


A quotation is when you repeat a sentence or a phrase, without changing it. You include it in your text with quotation marks.

To quote someone, you have to provide a reference to the original author. Without it and the quotation marks, you can give a wrongful impression that you are the one who wrote it. It’s not only impolite but also is considered plagiarism.

You should use a quotation if:

  • You’d like to reproduce a phrase that cannot be paraphrased as it will give an inadequate representation.
  • You want to include words uttered by a famous person because it will give credibility to your paper.
  • You need to include opinion, and you would like to give your explanation or your interpretation.
  • You feel that it is a necessary support for your thesis.
Direct quotations come in forms of run-in and block.

We know that there are times when you find an excellent quote, but it is too long. So, before including it into your paper, look for the same idea in fewer words.

For example, there is a statement that is 500 characters long. It’s way too long for a quote. So, try to find something that says the same thing, but that is 100 or 140 characters long instead. This tip is especially essential when you are writing an essay or a short blog post.

How to quote:

  • Find the passage that supports your argument. Remember that the shorter, the better.
  • Copy it from the text so that it looks identical in your paper. Don’t change anything.
  • Use brackets, add explanations if necessary.
  • When there are grammar or spelling mistakes in the source, indicate it with [sic].
  • Reference the author according to the style of your institution's guidelines.
Examine the rules of placing the quotation marks


Synthesis is a combination of elements from different parts of one source or a few. You implement it to highlight the core message or show the connection between various documents.

Synthesis is a core component of critical thinking and writing. These are simple tips of how you can synthesize the material for your next project:

  1. Identify.

    Decide on what message you want to present in your paper. Find the sources that examine the issue and support your idea.

  2. Read.

    Whether you decide on synthesizing one long document or a variety, read the materials first. This step is significant because it will allow you to gather useful information that you’ll use later.

  3. Analyze and Arrange.

    Once you’ve chosen and read the sources, prepare their summaries. Then form the thesis sentence and organize your paper. Provide data from different documents so that it sounds relevant and logical. At this stage, you will probably get a schematic idea of your argumentation.

  4. Write it down.

    Ensure the natural flow of the argumentation. Give yourself enough time to think about possible connections. Do not rush to get it over with. Good papers (even the short ones) need time.

  5. Revise.

    Read paragraph after paragraph and check for any mistakes. Your logic, style, grammar, and formatting should be impeccable if you want to get the highest grade.

The key to a good synthesis is to be organized.


How does a paragraph summarizer work?
The paragraph summarizer identifies keywords in the text, extracts the essential sentences. Then it cuts them down and presents them comprehensively. The summarizer can transform a lengthy and complicated paragraph into a simple phrase or a sentence.
How to make a conclusion?
To conclude, you need to restate the main idea of the paper. You can start your conclusion by telling why you wrote the text. Then you can summarize the arguments you’ve made throughout it. Remember to emphasize your thesis statement once again at the end.
What is an objective summary?
The word “objective” means not influenced by personal feelings or ideas. So, an objective summary tells the reader what the text is about. It doesn’t provide any irrelevant details or opinions. It merely presents the document in its shorter version.
How to summarize an article online?
To summarize an article online, you can use an online summarizing tool. This tool will allow you to extract the most out of your article in a few simple clicks. It will convert a long text into something that you can easily remember and understand.
Where can you use online summarizing?
Online summarizing can be handy in effortful and time-consuming tasks. Use it when you prefer to concentrate on analysis rather than reading every possible source for your paper. Create a summary to see the essential ideas of the text and quickly understand whether you need it or not.
You can use a tool for summarizing an article or a book chapter that you don’t want to read.

Thank you for reading the article. These simple steps can help you to summarize, paraphrase, quote, and synthesize. It also introduces this fantastic tool, which can make your academic life so much easier.

We hope you find it useful. Please share the summarizer and this article with your peers and colleagues. Enjoy!


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