Students who have experience in writing biography essays will tell you that it is one of the easiest assignments. You can choose any person as the main character of your biography essay. Sometimes, you do not even have to conduct any additional research.
However, we know that those who have to write biography essays for the first time have many questions about this assignment. Some of them we are ready to answer right now.
How do you start a biography essay?
Begin your biography essay by introducing some general facts about the chosen person. Who is he/she (a pop star, a writer, your relative or friend)? Is this person dead or alive? What is he/she famous for (e.g. “this person received several Grammy awards”)? Or, if this person is not a celebrity, explain why he/she is special to you.
What do you present in the body paragraphs of a biography essay?
Here you may give any details that you think are suitable. However, do not forget that this person’s biography is your focus. Thus, better include the following information in the biography essay:
- Important dates and events in the life of the person;
- His/her achievements;
- Hobbies and interests;
How do you finish biography essays?
Making a summary is a traditional way to finish any essay, and biography essays are not an exception. So, make a summary of the person’s life. If the person is dead, you can also give some info about his/her death. If the person is alive, tell what he/she is doing now, some future goals, etc.
If you still cannot get how to write a biography essay, use free biography essays as examples.
Our articles about essays on Alexander the Great and Martin Luther King Jr. essays can also be helpful.
thank you very much! this helped alot ^^
thank you, this really helped me
thank u soooo much, i would be lost without ur help!!!!
wishing u the best,
thanks, it would be great if ud post an example of biography. But anyways u helped 🙂