Every time you have to prepare an oral book report, you start thinking about a book to tell about.
Even if you have not hold a book in your arms since the last book report was assigned, you cannot ignore the task.
In this article possible rubrics for an oral book report are presented
Idea 1️⃣
Lost Hope in Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms!”
This book report rubric will help you call sympathy in your audience, thus, deserve its appreciation. The problem of lost hope conveyed in the novel will always remain one of the most burning ones. Just find a short summary online and develop this rubric in your book report.
Idea 2️⃣
Social Amorality and Its Influence on a Person in “Frankenstein”
Frankenstein is one of the most popular books by Mary Shelley that no one can stay indifferent to. That is why this oral book report rubric can be much exciting for your audience as well. The theme of social influence on a person can turn to be a bit depressing. Still, is not your purpose to impress the target audience? Then this book report rubric can be rather effective.
Idea 3️⃣
The Problem of Racial Discrimination in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
This rubric for a book report will be interesting as well. Even despite of the fact that we live in the 21st century, the problem of racial discrimination, presented in this novel, remains eternal. If you choose this rubric for your book report, you have a chance to make everyone speculate about the greatest mistake made by our humanity – to hate each other for having different appearances.
Be sure, these rubrics for book reports are one of the most effective ones due to the main ideas conveyed in them. That is why if you prepare them properly, you will succeed without any doubts!
On the weblog of our site, you can find information on student book reports and literature critiques that may also be much useful for you.