Let us guess what you are thinking about right now. You are trying to sort out what your teacher meant when giving a task to prepare a reflexive essay.
The point is that you have heard only about a reflective essay. So, now you are confused and think you have misunderstood your task.
Well, do not worry. Both you and your teacher are fine and you understand each other. He/she really said “a reflexive essay” and you got it right. Some teachers just tend to use both reflective and reflexive essays, since these notions are interchangeable. And this confuses students a lot. However, the principles of writing remain the same, and we are glad to present you them.
The purpose of writing reflexive essays
When writing a reflexive essay, you have to reflect on something. Usually, students reflect on one of their experiences. You can pick whatever you think is significant to you or played an important role in your life in that particular moment.
Here are some suggestions for your reflexive essay:
- The first date;
- A day when you were really happy;
- A day when you were extremely furious.
If you cannot think of any good experience to describe in your reflexive essay, there is a good way out for you. Just write about one of the courses you have taken, tell about lessons you have learned, etc.
The main principle of writing reflexive essays
Some students think that narrating, giving details and information is what a good reflexive essay is about. However, good reflexive essays are actually about your analysis and evaluation. You need to evaluate your experience and explain why it is important to you.
Probably, our articles about life changing event essays and an essay on the person who has had the greatest impact on your life will be helpful.