Essay Changer: AI-powered Online Rewriter

How to change essay wording online? Find here the best solution! To use this essay changer, copy and paste the text in the field below. Indicate the proportion you want to be replaced by the generator and click the button.

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If you aren’t content with the outcome of your essay or any other academic paper, you can always make edits. Sometimes, it is enough to work on the grammar or perfect the structure of your sentences. It can be especially important in a persuasive paper when it is crucial to convince your readers of your point of view. You will need our online essay changer precisely for these reasons.

To change essay wording, our generator uses the automatic NLP system. Therefore, it will modify the text without third-party intervention and the need for registration. That is why you don’t have to worry that someone might steal your work or get access to your details.

Below, our experts have outlined essay components and transitional phrases that you need to know. You might find them useful when working with our essay changer.

✅ Essay Word Changer: the Benefits

🙌 Easy to use Enjoy the user-friendly interface.
⏲️ Customizable Choose the needed options.
⏳️ Fast Change essay wording quickly.
💰 Free Don’t waste your money on paid tools.

🧱 Fundamental Parts of an Essay

To change the wording of your text, you should understand what parts of your academic paper can and should be changed. Remember that there are elements that you can’t move anywhere or delete at all. For example, your thesis statement cannot merge with another sentence. And you can place your quotes only in the body paragraphs, excluding their first and last sentences.

Let our essay word changer help you, but first, make sure to locate these elements:

  1. A hook. Your essay should catch the readers’ attention from the first words. This is what hook is intended for. It comes at the beginning of the paper and presents any attention-grabbing information. It can be a joke, observation, statistics, etc. You can’t move the hook to any other part of your essay or exclude entirely.
  2. A thesis statement. This is the most significant and concise part of your introduction. Clearly state the message of your paper, making a preview of what’s to come in the body paragraphs later. You can shorten your thesis or fix the wording so that it sounds straightforward. Yet, you can’t exclude it, merge it with other sentences, or move around your paper. Our thesis creator can help you with improving it.
  3. Topic sentences. These are the first sentences of each body paragraph. Their goal is to introduce the main point of the part and ensure a smooth flow of the paper. You can’t relocate them or delete them. Our essay changer generator can make them clearer for you.
  4. Direct & indirect quotes. Your paper will have several quotes if you’re writing according to academic guidelines. For direct ones, you will simply copy the sentence or two from the source and put quotation marks around. Yet, for indirect quotes, our essay changer will be extremely helpful. Our automatic tool will generate a unique wording of the piece you need to cite. This way, you will avoid plagiarism, even when providing huge chunks of the text. Just don’t forget to refer to your sources!
  5. A summary of the key points. In your conclusion, you have to summarize the key points so that your readers can get a complete picture. Include only essential information, leaving out all the background facts and supportive details. You can’t cut the summary down but change its wording as much as you want.
    How to change a thesis.
  6. A restated thesis. Restate your thesis to prove that you have reached your aim. Get creative! Don’t just copy and paste your thesis statement from the introduction. Your goal is to achieve the best wording possible to get your point across. Thus, you can use our essay changer generator to paraphrase the existing thesis.

🖇️ Change Essay Wording: Transitional Phrases

Boring transitions can be a problem not only for essays but also for copyrighted articles, research papers, and other texts. Therefore, you will benefit from learning more linking words. With them, you can add variety and efficiency to your work.

The role of linking phrases.

Our essay changer generator can suggest you one transition at a time. But if you’d rather see all the options at once, take a look at this list:

  • Emphasis: even, in fact, truly, indeed, of course.
  • Time frame: earlier, before, after, then, afterward, currently, immediately, simultaneously, at last, later, meanwhile, now, during, recently, subsequently.
  • Example: namely, for instance, to illustrate, specifically.
  • Contrast: notwithstanding, nevertheless, on the one hand/on the other hand, however, in spite of, on the contrary, still, in contrast, yet, nonetheless.
  • Similarity: likewise, in the same way, also, likewise, just as/so too.
  • Order: finally, first, second, third..., next, last, then.
  • Additional evidence: also, as well, additionally, besides, again, furthermore, in addition, further, then, equally important.
  • Positioning: in back, above, here, beyond, below, in front, there, nearby, adjacent.
  • Cause & Effect: consequently, so, hence, accordingly, thus, therefore.
  • Conclusion: briefly, in a word, on the whole, in brief, in the end, finally, in the final analysis, in summary, thus, to sum up, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, in conclusion.

Thank you for checking out our recommendations. If you aren’t entirely happy with the results of our essay changer, feel free to use another generator. Perhaps, our paraphrasing tool will better accomplish the task of changing your text.

🔗 References:

  1. Components of a Good Essay – The Writing Center, the University of Evansville
  2. What Are the Main Parts of an Essay? – Jennifer Betts, YourDictionary
  3. Transitions – The Writing Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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