Imagine for a moment that you were awarded with an Oscar as the best actor/actress (sounds good, right?!). And you are on the stage in front of thousands of people- what will you say? Whom will you thank?
So, whenever you accomplish something great starting with writing your thesis and finishing with receiving an Oscar prize, you are supposed to thank certain people for their support and guidance.
Now let us come back to the ground (but dreaming about Oscar was so nice!) and discuss how thesis acknowledgement should be organized.
Theses acknowledgement’s contents
This section is usually placed at the very beginning of your paper, right after the cover page. The key idea of any thesis acknowledgement is to express your gratitude to those who assisted you in the process of writing. Thesis acknowledgement’s length should not exceed one page.
Whom to mention in your thesis acknowledgement’s page?
Certainly, you are the person who makes the list of people whom you would like to express your gratitude to. Most thesis writers thank their advisors and colleagues, their departments and senior lecturers, finally, their families and friends.
Language of your thesis acknowledgement’s page:
Your Theses acknowledgement should be written in an appropriate language, using such phrases as:
- I would like to thank…
- I am grateful…
- This paper would not have been possible unless…
- He/she has provided assistance in numerous ways…
- I dedicate my thesis to…
- I want to express my gratitude to… for inspiration and …
Writing the thesis acknowledgement page always feels good, because hard work on the thesis is left behind and you realize that your research would not be as good as it is now without support and assistance of different people. So, you feel obliged to say thank you one more time.
great paper
thanks for the ideas. 🙂