Although German and English are similar in some ways, many students face numerous difficulties when learning German.
Probably, you can read and speak quite well, but writing is a bit different. This is why completing an essay in German language might cause you some troubles.
Still, it is not a reason to panic. With our simple but effective strategies, you will cope with the essay in German language.
Strategy #1
Before you start writing your essay in German language, make sure you have a dictionary and a kind of phrase book with some common expressions. It might be helpful.
By the way, do not rely only on electronic dictionaries when preparing your essay in German language.
Strategy #2
Be careful with spelling when writing your essay in German language. This language is tricky. Do not forget to proofread your essay when it is ready.
Strategy #3
Do not choose complicated topics for your essay in German language. Let it be something like essays on alien or “All about Me” essays. In your essay in German language about yourself, you will just provide some basic facts. You will not have problems with that.
In the essay in German language about aliens, you can use descriptions. Though try to avoid sophisticated descriptions. Simply describe colors, shapes, sounds, etc. It seems to be quite easy as well.
Strategy #4
Finally, do not forget that your essay in German language should first be done in English. Thus, you will logically organize your ideas and will not miss something important.
Then, using dictionary and your class notes translate it into German.
So, good luck!