Miscellaneous Writing Tips

Boost Your Writing with IvyPanda’s Free Essay Database

Writing an A+ essay can be a tough task. You may experience writer’s block, struggle with structuring your thoughts, have difficulties finding reliable sources, or get confused with the correct way of formatting citations. Luckily, there’s a game-changing resource that can make your life easier: Meet IvyPanda’s free essay database. It contains 140,000+ academic paper samples on various topics that can upgrade your writing skills and save you tons of time. Let’s explore how IvyPanda’s database can be your ultimate…

Writing in Active Voice: Best Strategies for Perfection

Some students are addicted to passive voice. Welcome to the meeting of the Passive Voice-aholics Anonymous. Say hello to our new visitor Jack: “Hello! My name is Jack and I am fond of writing in passive voice, because: Passive voice easily increases the word count of my papers. Compare for instance: Jack ate a cake. (Active voice – 4 words) and The cake was eaten by Jack. (Passive voice – 6 words.) It makes my papers sound more complicated and…

Autobiography Template: A Little Secret to Big Success

  Autobiography Template: Complete These Sentences An autobiography is a story that the author writes about his/her own life. If you are assigned to write one, you should carefully search your memory and find something truly interesting to share with your readers.

Too Much Homework: Are Mountains of Homework Worth Doing?

You have probably heard some homework horror stories about kids robbed of their childhood. Really, is there something wrong with homework policies? Why even the most enthusiastic learners start dreading their study? Are modern kids really assigned too much homework and have too little time to play and rest? While modern educators state that mountains of homework are absolutely necessary, a lot of parents and psychologists sound the alarm about too large amounts of school homework.

Imperative Sentence: Give Effective Commands, Will You?

An imperative sentence tells somebody to do something. You hear such a sentence every now and then, since early childhood. Eat your vegetables. Clean your room. Wear a sweater… Most advice and instructions you received from your Mom were in the form of imperative sentences. However, not everything is so clear. Here you will find really valuable information on the peculiarities of imperative sentences.

Dissertation Acknowledgement to People Who Supported You

At this point, you must have already completed almost every part of your dissertation. Now there is no need to revise this paper; however, you need to add a very important component, namely the dissertation acknowledgement. It is a token of recognition to every person who helped you when you worked on your dissertation. This article will explain how this section of a dissertation can be written. Hopefully, you will find these tips useful.

Music Essay Topics: Great Ideas for Your Academic Papers

If you have to write an essay on music, you can focus on various subjects, such as the works of a certain composer, the historical development of music, ethnomusicology, or music theory. In case you are looking for great musical essay topics, you should read this article.

What Is a Thesis Statement? Your Secret To Academic Success!

Why should you learn what a thesis statement is? The answer should be clear. Understanding what a thesis statement is, and generating a strong one, can be your ticket to achieving the marks you desire. Let’s examine what your instructors are looking for and how you can strengthen your thesis sentences.

Essays on Montana 1948: Disclosing the Main Themes of a Novel

Are you passionate on reading detective stories that mirror the reality of past time, including problems, disputes, and conflicts? The novel called Montana 1948 perfectly fits the above description because it reveals dramatic events happened to the characters in the time of racism and ignorance of human rights. This literary work is the story about grief and disappointment, humiliation and discrimination, cruelty and family drama. This is why this narration is heavily discussed in essays on Montana 1948 that are…

Ebert and Roeper Movie Reviews: The Whole Truth about Films

People made so many good and bad films. In this scope reviews help greatly to viewers not to spend their time in vain, and to get what they expect from the film. One of such reviews is TV show At the Movie which has a long story (since 1980s).

Descriptive Essay: Be Observant and Genuine in Your Writing

Descriptive essay writing is an absolutely amazing kind of writing that allows students show their creativity and enjoying their work. There are several hints that will help you to make your descriptive essay bright and memorable. Consider our recommendations and succeed in your descriptive essay writing.

Cultural Diversity Essays: Direction and Topics to Write About

Cultural diversity is a topic that can be written in many different ways. Nevertheless, a cultural diversity essay should be focused on a narrow idea that will reflect the essays’ main purpose. Usually given as broad topic, students might be frustrated choosing a single aspect to write about in cultural diversity essays. Thus, the following article will attempt to provide a few ideas for writing a cultural diversity essay.

Child Abuse Research Papers: Topics and Writing Procedure

The issue of child abuse should be closely considered in the society. Students who are given the task to write child abuse research papers should pay a lot of attention to them. There are a lot of various aspects in this issue to research. However, some students tend to pick only some common cases for investigation. This article provides various topics of child abuse research papers to choose from. In addition, it outlines some tips for students to help students…

Cuba Essay: Interesting Topics on the Independent Island

Travelling can be considered the major advantage of different professions, though some people claim this to be the main drawback. It is great when people travel and learn about other cultures. However, it is not great at all when travelers have to limit their contacts with their families because of their work requiring a lot of trips. Other cultures introduce a different world that exists in the same environment as ours.

Place Essay Brainstorming Tips for Better Place Description

Surprisingly how students get stunned by the assignment of place essay writing. There are some moments in this life when people know exactly where they would like to be found. However, when it comes to such activity like place essay writing, frequently, it is very hard to determine the place that has impacted on your life perception. Therefore, please read the following place essay tips in order to distinguish your personal insight.

Writing a Reflective Essay: Guidelines for Making It Better

Writing a reflective essay can be an easy task if students consider the information given in this article. Student that face some difficulty in writing a reflective essay in spite of reading this article can browse through internet for more tips. When writing a reflective essay, students need to make proper planning. They must analyze the negative and positive points of their reflective essay and think of ways to improve their essay.

Short Story Book Reports: Forms Change, Requirements Remain

A short story book report should not be a too tricky task for you to complete, because you will not have to study and discuss some long, complicated novels. You will deal with short stories that can be up to 10 pages long. This means that you do not need to spend much time on reading, but have more time to think over your short story book report.

Essay Exam Questions: How to Answer Them Properly

Writing exam essays is a stressful experience for any student. One of the main reasons for that is the set time limit for completing the essay and answering all questions asked. Yes, those essay exam questions is the main disturbing factor, because you never know what exactly you will be asked and whether you will know the right answer.

How to Write Excellent Essays: 3 Very Important Principles to Follow

So, summer vacations are over, and we have to ask you a very serious question. Do you remember how to write excellent essays? We ask this question, because as usually you will have to write a lot of essays. If you have forgotten how to write an excellent essay, you may start getting low grades from the very beginning of another school year. That is why let us remind you how to write excellent essays. Particularly, we will focus on…

Investigation Essays: The Main Principles of an Effective Investigation

Are you fond of detective stories? Do you like solving some tricky cases and answering complicated questions? If you do, then writing investigation essays, which are also known as investigative essays, will be one of your favorite tasks at school. If you have never had to write an investigation essay before, most probably you have a lot of questions about this kind of work. We are ready to answer them, but actually, the main thing you need to know is…

Essays on Electricity: Going beyond Physics

You were asked to prepare an essay on electricity, and now you are getting ready for writing another boring paper on Physics. You do not like Physics, and assignments for this subject make you feel depressed. Well, with such depressive mood, your chances to write a good essay on electricity reduce significantly. So, first you need to get rid of these negative thoughts and to take things as they are. Then, check out explanations about how to prepare essays on…

How to Write a Long Essay: Short Rules to Keep in Mind

At a glance, the task to write a long essay sounds a bit weird. What is it gist? Is it an essay with long paragraphs and sentences? Is its main characteristic a huge word limit? Finally, what are you supposed to do to prepare a long essay and how should it look like? Let us answer your questions right now. Sure, longer paragraphs and sentences are not the main characteristics of a long essay. Special word limit, which definitely will…

Essays on Current Issues: How to Make your Paper Stand out

At a glance, writing current event essays is not that difficult. Any sphere of our life has some current issues, news, new findings, etc. So, all you have to do is think of any field that interests you, research all the latest events, and decide on the central idea of your essay on current issues. But, what are you going to do next? You have to come up with a topic idea. Probably, your essay on current issues will be…

Classification and Division Essays: The Main Writing Principles

We know that some students cannot get the very gist of writing classification and division essays, and thus, face difficulties with this kind of essays. Indeed, what is the point of classifying or dividing information? Actually, everything is rather simple. It is just one more way to inform the reader on something. What is more, division, in other words, can be defined as an analysis, since you will have to break bigger items into smaller categories. In fact, sometimes students…

Nursing Reflective Essays: Telling about Your Clinical Placement

If you are a nursing student, you will definitely have some clinical placement. With this practice, you will understand how all things you have studied in theory work in reality. Besides, during your clinical placement, you will definitely face situations that are not described in any textbook on nursing. Usually, such situations serve as a perfect basis for nursing reflective essays. By the way, what do you know about writing reflective essays in nursing? If not much, then let us…

Essays on Harlem Renaissance: Questions to Answer

Harlem Renaissance is one of the most interesting and controversial periods (from the end of the First World War and through the middle of the 1930s Depression) in our history. While no one really debates its significance for the culture of African Americans, the roots of its nature and immediate effect remain undefined. Therefore, your essay on Harlem Renaissance can explore this terra incognita and it can be written in the form of a good argumentative paper.

Oral Book Reports: Keys to a Successful Presentation

So, one of your recent assignments was a report on the book read. Hope you have coped with it successfully. And now, your task is to make an oral presentation. On the one hand, there seems to be nothing complicated about preparing an oral book report. It is just a public performance based on the task you have already completed.

Essays on Fairy Tales: Several Aspects for Discussion

“Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” G. K. Chesterton It is hard to imagine childhood without fairy tales, without all those magic things, heroes, miracles that we find in the world of fairy tales. Time goes by, and we realize that real world is very different. Yet, our memories about fairy tales’ miracles make us believe somewhere deep in our hearts that…

Remembered Event Essays: Choosing an Event to Discuss

The life of every individual is full of various events, and many of them we will remember for the rest of our lives. The first date, the first concert, the first big quarrel with a friend… All these things happen to millions of people, and we are sure you are not an exception.

Describe Yourself Essays: Sure-Fire Ways to Make an Excellent Essay

At a glance, writing Describe Yourself essays seems to be an easy task. Sure, we do not mean that you will face some real challenges while preparing your Describe Yourself essay. However, your essay might be either just another boring reading or an exciting paper for your teacher. We are sure you will not choose the latter option. Therefore, let us explain you how to write excellent Describe Yourself essays.

Last Minute Essays: Panic Is not a Way Out

Sure, panic that captures you – a last minute essay writer – is pretty clear and natural. Your paper is due tomorrow, it is 10 p.m. already, and you are still sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper (or, probably, staring at a blinking cursor in your computer). Yet, keep in mind one simple rule. Those who are panic-stricken will never cope with a last minute essay. A last-minute essay requires clear mind and strong nerves.

Essays in German Language: Use Simple Phrases and Our Free Tips

Although German and English are similar in some ways, many students face numerous difficulties when learning German. Probably, you can read and speak quite well, but writing is a bit different. This is why completing an essay in German language might cause you some troubles.

Essays on Thomas Hardy: The Great English Poet and Novelist

Indeed, Thomas Hardy is one of the greatest English poets and novelists. His poems were first published when he was 50, but they became popular very quickly, and millions of people love them till the present days. Now, this great poet is the main character of your written assignment. What are you going to write about in your essay on Thomas Hardy? What will you focus on: his biography or his novels and poetry?

Essays on Romanticism: Free Tips

We have to tell you straight away that work on your essay on Romanticism should start with narrowing down the focus. Romanticism is a complex movement that began in Europe in the 18th century and touched different spheres of life. One of them you will have to discuss in your essay on Romanticism.

Biography Essays: How to Start, Develop, and Finish

Students who have experience in writing biography essays will tell you that it is one of the easiest assignments. You can choose any person as the main character of your biography essay. Sometimes, you do not even have to conduct any additional research. However, we know that those who have to write biography essays for the first time have many questions about this assignment. Some of them we are ready to answer right now.

Proven Tips on How to Write a Reflexive Essay

Let us guess what you are thinking about right now. You are trying to sort out what your teacher meant when giving a task to prepare a reflexive essay. The point is that you have heard only about a reflective essay. So, now you are confused and think you have misunderstood your task.

Things You Need to Know to Write Definition Essays

This is the first time you have to write a definition essay. You have studied the instructions of your tutor and have even looked through several examples of definition essays. However, you still cannot get the gist of definition essays and do not know what particular steps you need to take to complete this task.

An Easy Way to Write Essays on Diseases

On the one hand, writing essays on diseases seems to be not that tricky. You have an opportunity to be original and even creative. Can you imagine the number of diseases that you can highlight in your disease essay? What is more, there is a lot of material available almost about every disease. On the other hand, this great variety of ideas may confuse you. What particular disease should you choose to present in the disease essay (unless specified, of…

How to Make Research Papers

How to make research papers? Where can you find help to prepare good research papers? What are the requirements for writing a research paper? How is it possible to make use of research paper examples? This is what our article will be about. Below, we will answer these questions. How to make research papers… If you think that spending days and nights in a library and reading stacks of books is the only way to write research papers, you are…

Writing an A+ Essay on An Inspector Calls

Writing essays on literature can be rather challenging. One of the problems students usually face is a misunderstanding of the author’s message. This time you have to write an essay on “An Inspector Calls” by J. Priestley. At a glance, the book seems to have no message at all, and this might confuse you a bit: what should you write about in essays on “An Inspector Calls?”

Diabetes Essays: Myths about Diabetes

Do you want to make a striking essay on diabetes? Do you want to break all existing stereotypes about this disease in your diabetes essay? Then, we suggest you devote your diabetes essay to myths about this disease. Below, you will find some of these myths along with hints for writing diabetes essays.

How to Write Striking Essays on HIV/AIDS

Definitely, the problem of HIV/AIDS is of great concern for many people. Since effective treatment is not found yet, we are all a bit endangered. However, this topic has been discussed so many times that some students may find it a bit boring to cover it once again. “Fine, I have to write an essay on HIV/AIDS. Do I really have something exclusive to say?”

Catchy Ideas for The Maltese Falcon Essays

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett is one of the best detective novels of the 20th century. It is a mysterious story that was even adapted for the cinema several times. So, watching one of the versions can be a good beginning of your work on The Maltese Falcon essays. However, reading the novel is definitely better if you want to produce a perfect essay on The Maltese Falcon. We are sure you will be involved into the events described,…

How to Write an Essay on Internship

Do you have to write an internship essay? Then read this article. Here you will find out what you should write about in the essay on internship and how to structure it properly. First of all, we want to direct your attention to the type that essays on internship belong to. You have to make a kind of a college narrative essay, telling about experience got during your internship along with its positive and negative sides.

Essays on the Person Who Has Had the Greatest Impact on Your Life

Well, this time you have to write an essay on the person who has had the greatest impact on your life. Your mind is overfilled with different ideas, but you do not know how to start writing your essay on the person who has had the greatest impact on your life. Do not give way to despair! We will help you cope with the task.

How to Write Essay Reports

Do you have to prepare an essay report? Do not you know what to write and how to write essay reports? Do not give way to despair! We are eager to help you with essay reports. Consider the information given below, and you are sure to make a good essay report.

How to Write an Essay on BPO

If you are taking Business classes, one of the possible tasks that you might get is BPO essay. Certainly, your tutor explained the meaning of Business Process Outsourcing. Now you have to summarize your knowledge, synthesize information given, and present it in your essay on BPO.

Good College English Essay Topics

During an exam, you may choose a college essay topic that you have covered before in order to score a high grade. It means that the more topics you practiced, the higher your chances are to score an excellent grade. For practice purposes, we suggest you several college English essay topics.

A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essay

Do you have to write a ‘Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time’ essay? Well, the assignment is not easy to accomplish, but possible. We will give you some hints for writing ‘Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time’ essays. Our tips will give you a better understanding of how to cope with the task successfully.

College Narrative Essays: Prompts for Writing

If you have troubles choosing issues to tell about in your college narrative essay, look through the prompts presented below. They may help you recollect an exciting or significant experience of yours to focus on.

LPI Essays Writing Tips

Are you getting ready for your Language Proficiency Index exam? Well, nobody will envy you, since you have to work hard indeed to get a good grade. If you are here reading this article, you must be certainly searching for advice on how to make your LPI essay. The tips on writing LPI essays given below are what you need in this case.

College Level Essay: Writing Prompts

Do you have to complete a college level essay? Do you have problems? Do not panic. Just trust our writing experience: there is nothing impossible in this life. Well, let us pass to college level essays. We strongly believe that writing prompts on college level essays will make the writing process interesting and captivating!

Examples of a Compare and Contrast Essay

Well, one more essay to accomplish…This is sure to be the best essay ever! Stop! Do you have to write a compare and contrast essay? Do you think it is easy? Do you think that you will define differences, then similarities, and your essay is finished? If you think so, let us ask you one question: what should you discuss first – similarities or differences? Do not you know? Perhaps, you need a couple of good compare and contrast essay…

Essays by Warren Buffet

Do you know anything about Warren Buffet? If you take Business, Management or Marketing courses, you will certainly deal with his works. His ideas on investing and business are prominent indeed! So, you will learn more about Warren Buffet and his essays from this article. Essays by Warren Buffet, called The Lessons for Corporate America, present the ideas about fundamental business and wise investing.

Rubrics for an Oral Book Report

Every time you have to prepare an oral book report, you start thinking about a book to tell about. Even if you have not hold a book in your arms since the last book report was assigned, you cannot ignore the task. In this article possible rubrics for an oral book report are presented

FCAT Essay Examples

Are you going to take the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test? Then you must probably be aware of what this test consists of. One of the test assignments is writing the FCAT essay – either expository or persuasive. Perhaps, information on writing FCAT essays you have is not enough for you to make a good project of yours. You must certainly be searching for comprehensive FCAT essay examples. In this case, our article is just for you! Here you will find…

How to Write a Personal Response Paper

Personal response essays are the first academic step to learning to state your opinion and back it up with arguments. Usually, a personal response essay is assigned as a term paper on a certain literary work. To be able to write it, you need to know the basics of personal response papers.

The Lion King Essay: Ideas to Consider

Hakuna Matata, What a Wonderful Phrase! Hakuna Matata, Ain’t no passing craze. It Means No Worries for the Rest of Your Days Its Our Problem Free, Philosophy Hakuna Matata “Hakuna Matata” is a phrase that originates from Swahili. You have definitely heard it in one of the Walt Disney’s animated feature films, The Lion King. Telling the truth, this is one of the most amazing films of Walt Disney Production. People of all ages watch it with pleasure and are…

Ideas for Lent Essays

Once a year people get an opportunity to re-evaluate own life. This period is known as Great Lent. It lasts forty days. During this period people fast and pray. So, you may get an assignment to prepare a Lent essay. There are four ways of writing it:

Things to Be Aware of While Writing Your Research Proposal

Do you know how to write a research proposal? Most likely, you do. Then you will, at least, get a C on your assignment. Do you know how to organize your research proposal? Hopefully, you do. Then, you will receive a B on your research proposal.

Tricks of Writing a Life Changing Event Essay

There are a lot of different events in the life of any person. Some of them are important. Others you cannot remember the next day. However, there are such events (or even the only one) that you will remember for the rest of your life, since after this incident your existence will never be the same.

Maltese Falcon Essays

Very often students of different academic institutions are assigned to write essays on movies. One of such movies that you may be assigned to write a paper about is Maltese Falcon, 1941, directed by John Houston. If you are reading this article, you must be probably in an urgent need of a useful piece of advice on writing Maltese Falcon essays.

Online Book Reports and your Benefits

I am sure that you do not realize all the benefits that online book reports can give you. If you think that you can just download a free online book report and it will be the greatest benefit, you are wrong. In fact, downloading book reports online is something that we would not recommend you to do. Instead, you can read this article and find out the real benefits that you can get. It is more likely that you have…

Benefits of a Research Paper Sample

This is a smart idea to find some research paper samples and use them for writing your own piece. However, you have to be careful not to copy/paste some research paper sample’s fragments into your own work – this is called plagiarism and it is severely punished! Research paper samples may help you format and organize your own writing. Besides, when you decide to order customized research papers, you need research paper samples too. If you like research paper samples…

How to Conduct Medical Research

A good medical research paper is based on a good medical research paper topic and well-made medicals research. That is why this article provides you with some advice on how to conduct medical research and how to choose the best medicals research paper topics. So, if you are ready to get information, start reading this article till the very end. How to choose good medical research paper topics. Finding the best medical research paper topics is the first step to…

Stages of Writing a Literature Review

Is it easy to write a literature review? Not really, if you know how to do that. Here are the stages of writing a good literature review:

Creating Your Research Paper Database

What is the bottom line of a research paper? Certainly, it is a research paper database. You start writing your assignment by visiting a library and creating a research paper database. So, let us spend some time discussing the most effective way of creating a research paper database. First of all, you need to sit down, take a piece of paper and plan your research paper database, writing down what types of materials you want to include, setting the deadlines…

Tips for Writing Term Papers in APA Style

If you are writing your term paper in social or behavioral sciences, you will have to use APA style of writing. Take into consideration that if your work is done in some other disciplines, this format will not suit. Thus, be careful not to confuse different formats. Actually, if you want to get exhaustive information on writing term papers in APA style, it is better to use a special APA manual. It contains official requirements for writing term papers in…

Ideas for Your Peace and Conflict Studies Dissertation

Peace and war are the terms that are as old as humankind. Throughout the history people were waging wars and living peacefully for some time. Some nations were constantly living in conflicts for certain reasons. Our modern world is also full of various conflicts. Perhaps this lies in the human nature. Anyway, there is special academic field that studies war and peace. Its main purpose is investigating and analyzing the violent and non-violent behaviors, studying some mechanisms of the conflicts.

Three Stages of Writing Coursework Papers

Writing coursework papers should be the easiest thing for you in the world, if you have written dozens of them. However, most of us do not have enough experience in writing coursework papers; moreover, we do need some support in completing this assignment.

Thesis on the Postmodern Literature

You are to write a thesis on postmodern literature. How lucky you are. This article will help you make your theses on postmodern literature as interesting as possible. Let us define the term itself. Postmodern literature is the description of some trends in the post World War II literature.

Junior Research Paper

Do you want to cheat on your junior research paper? We strongly advise you not to do this, since any kind of cheating on junior research papers gives grounds for a serious disciplinary punishment and will influence your academic record. That is why you would better not pass over your junior research paper lightly.

Virtual Assistant for Thesis Writing

There are some cases when a student is bound to prepare his or her thesis without any help. A thesis advisor has no time to give a student enough consultations, and tell him/her what he or she is required to do for thesis writing. In such cases, a student may give way to despair, and it will be reflected on the quality of a student’s thesis paper, which is not good.

10 Steps of Thesis Writing

Writing a thesis is always a very complicated task that requires much time to be spent on thinking, analyzing, researching and drawing the right conclusions. That is why our 10 steps of thesis writing can be very useful.

Cancer Research Paper

Students of different medical institutions are often assigned to write academic papers on diseases. One of them is a cancer research paper. If you are assigned to write a cancer research paper, you are expected to make any discovery on the basis of already known information. The tips offered below can be rather useful if you do not know what to start with when writing your cancer research paper.

Acknowledgements Thesis

Imagine for a moment that you were awarded with an Oscar as the best actor/actress (sounds good, right?!). And you are on the stage in front of thousands of people- what will you say? Whom will you thank? So, whenever you accomplish something great starting with writing your thesis and finishing with receiving an Oscar prize, you are supposed to thank certain people for their support and guidance. Now let us come back to the ground (but dreaming about Oscar…

Business Research Proposal

This is truly amazing how many types of research proposals can exist! You have just finished your last research paper- and once again – you are given an assignment to write a business research proposal. The worst thing is that you do not have choice rather than accept this task silently and start working on it.